Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Ok, anyone want to weigh in what they think we're having?

Baby A: boy/girl

Baby B: boy/girl

Post a comment and I'll tally them up and show results in a week or so!

Other stuff going on, ummmm, in my last post I was saying I didn't think I was showing that much. This week, I'm definitely showing! My belly started really sticking out and its hopeless to try and do my regular pants up now. Thank goodness for long shirts to hide my elastic bands and un-done zippers! But by hell I'm in a pair of Wranglers and my cowboy boots today (nice office attire, huh? I told you my wardrobe was shrinking!) Probaby dumb since my ankles have started swelling. Hope I can get my boots off tonight...

My work has been really hectic, I've been full time in the office for about 3 weeks now (no telecommuting). They laid-off just about the whole company and production has been shut down at all facilities across the country. Here at corporate we are down to 7 of us (at one time there were 130), so I've been involved in all sorts of stuff I wouldn't normally do. They are close to finalizing negotiation to split the company and merge with two more stable ones, if that goes through I'll be the Project Manager on both buy outs as well as 1 of only 2 of us here that know how to programmatically extract data out of our mainframe. Its way busy for me, but its nice because it makes the time go fast. Luckily, I've felt up to the challenge too. A month ago I'd have never had the stamina to work at this pace!

It sounds like Stacie has put an offer in on a really nice house in Texas pretty close to where she is living right now. Sounds like you can find good horse property and houses in TX a lot easier than in UT. Hopefully she gets it bought, she's been looking for a while now. My mom and John will be back up in Utah here in a couple weeks for a stay, they've got some Senior Pro's in NV.

I need to post some picture's and a couple awesome recipes I run across, I'll try to do that this weekend.


  1. I say you are going to have a boy/boy! There are a lot of people pregnant right now that I know and they are ALL having boys!

    I had to laugh when you said that you had swollen ankles...when your pregnant you refer to them as cankles (where your calves and ankles connect) LOL!!!

    You should have Coby take some pics of your growing belly! We would love to see!

    Take care~

    Amber & Kevin

  2. My first instinct was 2 boys, but I'm going to say boy/girl.

  3. I'll guess that it's a boy/girl just like me and Kev! Glad you're feeling better. Your work schedule sounds absoulutely crazy!

  4. I would post a guess but that would be cheating. I just can't even wait for you guys. I want to see you little pregnant belly soon!

  5. Steph
    I'm going to say that you are going to have girl/girl!! Two cute little barrel racers!! Just what you want huh. I totally know what you mean about the pants and undoing the button. I was determined to stay in my regular jeans as long as I could even if it killed me to be in them. Can't wait to see some pictures!!!
