Monday, July 27, 2009

July is about history...

Well, we've just about made it through July. This summer seems to be going by so fast, but they all do. Its my favorite time of year. I love all that goes on in the summer with all the rodeos and celebrations and family stuff. I like the heat pretty good too, except I don't do real well in it this year.

Coby's been gone a lot rodeoing and working, for the most part he should be back to rodeoing on the weekends again instead of all this through the week stuff. I'm pretty easy to track down since I'm home ALL THE TIME. Working from home is great and all, but sometimes its nice to have an excuse to go to town. And I don't mean Tremonton town. My mom is on her way back to Utah next week, so that will give me someone to hang out with. Lewis (my dog) is great company and all, but I get tired of the one sided conversation, but it is nice that he agrees with everything I say.

Jami and Amanda threw Sunee and me a combined baby shower last week at Grandma Peterson's house. It was fun. We were given some nice things for our babies and had fun hanging out with Coby & Riley's aunt's and cousins. We are both pretty close to being ready for the babies to come, they were hoping to have their little boy on the 24th but it didn't happen. She's pretty close so he could come at anytime. I sure wish I was that far along! I've reached the stage of constant swelling up and if something is on the ground or the floor I have to really want to pick it up since bending over is getting tough! I have lots of kicking and turning going on in my belly right now. Funny though when they are moving around I tell Coby to hurry and feel, but when he puts his hand on my belly they stop instantly. Maybe they are shy. So, he's figured out if he wants to feel them kick he pokes my belly a little and they'll kick at him.

I've been pretty busy with my own work, I'm an Independant Contractor for three companies right now so its been good. I'll probably cut back to one once the babies come, I want to slow work down, not be ramping up.

Sorry this has kind of been a boring post. I can't think of anything exciting to blog about today. Life is good and being bored isn't always a bad thing...

1 comment:

  1. Steph
    I't good to hear you and the babies are doing good!! We sure do miss going to the rodeos and seeing all of you guys! I need your address so I can send you a little something I got for your babies. You can just leave it on the comments on my blog if you would like. Hope things keep going well, and you keep feeling good. Just think Steph, these 9 months are almost over, and before you know it your going to have two little babies!!! Tell Coby hi for us.
