Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oh Boy....

Well, after the 'big' ultrasound yesterday we found out that the doctor's initial findings were wrong, we were surprised with a girl and A BOY! So, looks like we get one of each! At 16 weeks he was sure it was two girls, and at 19 weeks he again confirmed baby A was a girl, but baby B that is up high was transverse, looking down and he couldn't get a clear shot to verify it. I didn't really think anything of it, then when we went in yesterday the tech wiggled my belly around until she got a good picture of it, and sure enough, its definitely a boy! We're really excited and it will be fun to raise one of each. He is really wiggly in there, it took a long time to get all the pictures because he's so active. Its funny watching them push each other around in there trying to get the space they want. Its going to be pretty cramped for them here soon! Everything appeared to be healthy and where it needed to be with no concerns. Now its time to start a list of boy names...


  1. You guys will love having one of each they are so different and that means you will be really really busy when they start going to dance and baseball and all the other fun stuff kids do but it will be so worth it.

  2. Woohoo! Another Kevin and Karen! Congrats - that's so cool to get one of each. I hope Coby's foot heals fast. It looks so sore. :(

  3. How fun! I always love when I get the ultrasound and find out what they are. It is so fun to see them moving around inside of you. Glad to hear the news...and that everything looks great!

  4. So are you telling me you need another blanket towel in blue??? LOL - that is so awesome! Now you can have a barrel racer and a bull dogger and Coby won't be overwhelmed with girls although the family vote will now be tied 2 boys and 2 girls - Two weeks ago you girls were holding the majority...LOL Congrats!

  5. stephanie this is Kelli Taylor, I found your blog through Lindsey so cool you are having twins, we just had the same thing one girl one boy! They are 6 months old now, soooo fun, my only advise is to stay down when you can... ours came very early and had to stay in the NICU for a long time! Congrats!

  6. SO AWESOME! I can't even believe it! So a little early to think about it now, but is Coby still going to make you try again? HEHE! Maybe we'll see ya this weekend. We need to set a date on a shower too so think about it and start making a list.
