Monday, January 3, 2011

1-1-11 Its A New Year

Its a new year, and I'm making a resolution to get back to blogging, or as you see from my new title JOURNALING. They say you should keep a journal for many reasons, its cathartic (yes, I had to spell check this), it preserves your history (many generations from now my great-great grandkids might want to know what I was thinking), it organizes your thoughts (very helpful), and its something to do during the long, boring winter months.

RIGHT NOW...its soooo cold and snowy, I'm caught up on work & most of the house work, and I'm working on this while the babies sleep.

THE BABIES....aren't really babies anymore. They grow too dang fast. They are little people that do the funniest things. They make messes. They laugh at the silliest stuff. They touch stuff they shouldn't they look at me and say 'no no no'. Those words echo through our house on a regular basis. They take 2 naps a day and sleep 12 hours at night. People think they are tall for their age. They are getting a lot of teeth but they don't have problems with it. history. It was a good year. It was filled with parenting and that is a blessing to have in our lives. Lewis died, I'm still super sad over it. We had a garden, a lot of stuff didn't grow and it was pretty weedy. We rode a lot this fall and bought a dun horse that we both really like. One of my best friends got pregnant after being told she couldn't. We bought the kiddies too much stuff for Christmas and vowed to not spend so much next year. We took a lot of rodeo trips but didn't go with each other very much. We had a good year financially and feel blessed since so many around us didn't. We remodeled the kitchen and did a lot of landscaping in the yard. It makes us like our home a lot. We settled into Tremonton, or should I say I settled into Tremonton. I turned 35. The babies turned 1. Coby turned grey. Just a little. We went to church. We sold a couple horses we didn't like. I lost the baby weight. Coby got a new job. Twice. We made new friends. We decided to keep driving the same car and truck. I bottle fed kittens. And now its on to the adventures of 2011...


  1. Great journaling! It was all fun to hear. And what an awesome picture of your family!

  2. Sounds like all is going well! You guys had a way cute Christmas card. Keep up the posts, I have a hard time doing so. Sounds like your mom is there this week, that is neat that you are able to see her often. We miss you guys!
